My generation grew up with grandparents who faught in 'The War" and all us boys theorized about what kind of soldiers we'd make. Until maybe 25 or 30 I still believed there was a chance I'd be "drafted" if another war began, and it was a scary but romantic thought. I suspect that the generation coming up behind us sees WWII as something Hollywood conjured up ...tricky to text from a trench.
Like everyone out there, I've faced some difficult days, but war...
I can't imagine.
I'll spend today's spare hours watching The World at War, reminding myself that men and women born a long time ago fought for the freedom I enjoy very much.
You were always more of a Vietnam type soldier - me - dunno, mongol hoardes..
Thanks for the reminder of what day it is, and why. I might watch this later today...
We are a generation that's been spared that for the most part, I think we have a different war to fight
We sure do, Bro.
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