Saturday, January 22, 2011

Twin Peaks

Wednesday was David Lynch's birthday.
I had the absolute pleasure of watching the pilot for Twin Peaks on a big screen. Very very cool.
That single episode of TV is extraordinary. Maybe the most impressive pilot ever.

I checked it out back in '90 and it didn't grab me ..or rather I didn't let it. I knew who David Lynch was and had heard the show was really interesting but... ...girls..
Anyway, some years later I met a cool cat named Tom Naugler. Can't remember the exact genesis of events but we ended up watching the whole series in his basement, two episodes at a time, whilst sipping rum and cokes. Great times. Great show.
The whole period sticks with me now as it's the last "social" thing I did regularly before my mother's death in '97. For that and the just plain fun of it - heading up from Mom's place, walk through the park - have a look out at the arm - think about Twin Peaks ..walk home, buzzed, thinkin' about girls and Twin Peaks. Say "goodnight" to Mom. Have really weird dreams.
Again, fantastic days.
I figured the times had enriched my memory of the show.
it's far better than even I remembered ...the catch being that I'd secretly decided to never watch it again ..keep the memory pristine ...naive thinking, I know but cut me some slack - I had a cool mom and it was a tricky time.
Well Mom, I gotta watch the whole series again...
I'll think of you and Tom and of being young, and I'll smile at amazing days...

God, I love that intro.

As I re-devour one of the most artistic works I've ever seen/heard.
What a pilot episode...
It takes maybe 60 seconds to get "hooked" so to speak. Watching it now I would attribute a big part of the show's affect to the soundtrack. An incredible thread of what became the 3 classic Twin Peaks "pieces" of music layer the show so well - so many things coming together in such a rich experience - the visuals with that score ...amazing synthesis. My favorite blend of imagery and song ever in a show - I can't think of anything that compares.

tbc ..I must think..

1 comment:

Arthur Canning said...

I know I'll keep returning to TWIN PEAKS...